customer experience (CX)

how much do you know about your customers?

Why do some customers spend more than others?

How do they rate their customer experience (CX)?

If you can answer the third question, then more likely than not, you can answer the first two.

Understanding your customer needs and providing them with what they need has never been more important.

The customer experience is vital for the ongoing success of your business and ultimately return business, customer loyalty, and market positioning. How the customer perceives the experience will shape their whole view of your product and your business.

We are experts in understanding what drives and influences customers and what ultimately shapes their customer experience.

Some questions to ponder;

Do you track customer satisfaction at every interaction along the customer journey?

Do you have the tools necessary to meet customer expectations and respond effectively to their requests?

Do you know what tools you need and who would drive it?

Have you mapped the customer journey?

Do you track customer satisfaction at every interaction along the customer journey?

We are business analysts who can develop a Customer Experience (CX) Blueprint and Roadmap for your business, identifying which areas need improvement, what to do and how to do it.

Customer service

Service is the single most important factor in making a GREAT customer experience.

The way the staff greets the customer, whether they make them feel welcome and how passionate they are about the product will have the single biggest influence in shaping the customers’ whole experience.

Have you ever been to a great restaurant and had great food, but left thinking that you would never go back, and why because the customer service experienced was so bad that it undermined the whole experience.
We can assist you in putting systems in place to ensure that all the effort does not end up in a negative experience and a lost customer. There are two distinct aspects that make up your business, the tangible features of the product and business and the intangible elements such as the level of customer service and after-sales service.
The essentials of good customer service are simple if the right systems and training are put in place. We specialise in customer service and have a track record of benchmarking.

Make every customer feel special

When a customer comes to your cellar door, there are a number of things that have already started to shape their perception even before they enter, but how they are greeted and the expertise of the cellar door staff plays a big role in sales and perception and consequently return visitation.

We are in the business of Passion, as without it nothing else quite works.